1767 Morris Avenue, Union, NJ 07083
Phone: 973-920-7382 | Fax: 973-435-6873
Email: support@innerlightcare.com
Innovative Mental Health & Addiction Services!
Inner Light Care Mental Health & Addiction Services, LLC delivers innovative mental health care by utilizing new technologies and tools for diagnostics and treatment modalities.
Our team of mental health providers bring many years of experience providing care for patients with mental health needs ranging from the long-term care, adults, and gerontology community to patients with addiction and acute withdrawal.
Visit Us
1767 Morris Avenue,
Union, NJ 07083
Phone: 973-920-7382
Fax: 973-435-6873
Specialized Services
-ADHD Screening
-Genetic Screening - ADHD Treatment
We aim to provide mental health care that is truly inclusive with close consideration given to individuals and families who face stigma associated with mental illness, and those from minority, transgender, and gender-expansive communities.